Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Music that Moves

Every once in a while, I quite enjoy a good dose of motivation. One of my favorites is the well-know Al Pachino speech from Any Given Sunday. His speech is set to the song Peace by Paul Kelly.

Musical mash-ups (definition according to google: digitally combining and synchronizing instrumental tracks with vocal tracks from two or more different songs) intrigue me. I wondered if there was a niche of mash-ups that combined spoken word with music. More specifically--motivational/inspirational speech with music.

I found... little. Well, more like nothing. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places? Suggestions welcome.

Being unemployed, however, afforded me the opportunity to create my own mashup!

I collected a series of vocal clips and set them to the song African Dance by The Headroom Project off of their album 'Apa Ya.' The vocal clips are listed below in the order that they are heard (duplicate clips played in the song are only listed once here):

1. Gandhi's "Indefinable mysterious power" speech- 1931
2. Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech- 1963
3. Barack Obama's Election night speech- 2008
4. Martin Luther King Jr's "I've been to the mountaintop" speech- 1968
5. Nikki Giovanni's convocation address to Virginia Tech- 2007
6. Malcolm X-TV interview
7. Nikki Giovanni's convocation address to Virginia Tech- 2007
8. Mayella from To Kill a Mockingbird
9. John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address- 1961
10. John F. Kennedy's "The Decision to Go to the Moon" speech- 1961
11. Niel Armstrong- 1969
12. Winston Churchill's speech at Harrow School- 1941
13. Severn Suzuki's speech to the United Nations Earth Summit- 1992
14. Coach Gary Gaines from the movie Friday Night Lights- 2004
15. Coach Brooks (delivered by Kurt Russell) from the movie Miracle- 2004

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