Thursday, June 30, 2011

new friends

Meet two of my newest friends, Kat (brown & white) and Patty (black and white). Just over a week ago I decided to see if the local humane society needed any volunteers to walk dogs. With all this free time on my hands, and no pets to love, I thought this could be fun. My mom of course became instantly worried that I would adopt a dog. I assured her, though, that I would not adopt one solely on the fact that based on the average temperature down here, I think it's cruel and unusual punishment to live here let alone make a creature with a fur coat live here. Big dogs need to be taken on long walks... and if it's too hot for the dog to talk a long walk safely...well that's just not right.

Anyway, the society has a bunch of dogs--a few puppies and a lot of large dogs. A large proportion of the dogs a pitbull mixes. People have this huge misconception about pitbulls being there naturally nasty and aggressive dogs, which is very sad. In fact, they are really quite sweet! The two pictured here are pitbull terriers. Both dogs are very muscular and strong, but also very affectionate and sweet. They love to be walked and then sit in the shade and be pet.

I have become fond of running with the dogs in the grass. Often they tug and pull quite a bit when you first get them out--but I find that running, they are much more in their natural state of mind, and behave very well on the leash. Not to mention they get to tired to tug and pull ;-) You don't have to be a dog whisperer to figure that one out.

Still little luck meeting other people in the area. But in all honesty--these k9 pals may fill a niche that another person couldn't. For now, I'm not complaining :-)


  1. Aw! I was JUST looking at dogs on my Humane Society's web page yesterday! They had tons of dogs, which surprised me b/c in Lancaster, there were no dogs and a bazillion cats. I really want to adopt one, but my landlord won't let me. Although Matt owns his house and he's been talking about how he thinks his dog needs some company. He's getting his yard fenced in, so once that happens I may just adopt a dog and keep it at Matt's. I'm there 95% of my non-work time, anyways, so it could be good! Anyways, super cute pups!

  2. Oh man! That'd be awesome... what's the name of the town you live in again? Do they have any photos posted of the pets? This place also has a bagillion cats--but ew, let's be real. Dogs are the best.

    You should do it! Plants are pretty, but they don't love back ;-)

  3. Elkins, WV! Here's the humane society's page:
    Cats are totally lame and prissy. Booo. I love all the dogs on this page, tho. I want a running partner and a cuddle bug. What happened to Dewey, btw?

  4. Dewi died before I moved down to FL :-( He got sick and I took him to the vet but he didn't make it.

  5. Aw, sorry about Dewi! He was a little sweetcake.

    Yeah, I'm kind of partial to Barney on that list, but really all of them are adorable.
